Man scalded partner after row over her tattoo with ex's name

Pictured is Derby Crown Court.Pictured is Derby Crown Court.
Pictured is Derby Crown Court.
A jealous boyfriend became so upset about his partner's tattoo '“ which included an ex's name '“ that he threw boiling water over her and went on the rampage.

A court heard Colin Womble, aged 34, of Holmefield Road, Whitwell, had been drinking with partner Anne Richardson when they returned to her home, before he flipped out over the tattoo.

Rashad Mohammed, prosecuting at Derby Crown Court, said: “Womble became agitated because of a tattoo on his partner’s left arm which included the name ‘Paul’.

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“Womble came into the kitchen and was drunk and began accusing her of still liking Paul, which she denied.

“He became more aggressive and said get it off and splashed her with cold water, before reaching for an urn with boiling water.

“He knocked the urn and the contents spilled over her neck and arm creating a burning sensation.”

The complainant tried to get Womble out, according to Mr Mohammed, but he smashed a TV and an angel figurine and took the phone from her as she tried to call for help.

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Mr Mohammed said eventually Womble put the SIM card back into the phone and told the complainant to call an ambulance.

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Womble told police he had caused the injuries, but suggested they were accidental.

Daniel Church, mitigating, said Womble was very drunk and now accepts exactly what the complainant stated.

Womble admitted assault and causing damage after the incident on October 15.

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Judge Jonathan Bennett sentenced Womble a year’s jail,suspended for two years, with rehabilitation and ordered him to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £300 in compensation and given a five-year restraining order.

The court heard how the couple’s relationship is now over.