Thug jailed after damaging vehicle

Pictured is Thomas Elliot Hill, 22, of Hillcrest Close, Bolsover, who has been jailed for eight weeks after damaging a car and failing to comply with a community order.Pictured is Thomas Elliot Hill, 22, of Hillcrest Close, Bolsover, who has been jailed for eight weeks after damaging a car and failing to comply with a community order.
Pictured is Thomas Elliot Hill, 22, of Hillcrest Close, Bolsover, who has been jailed for eight weeks after damaging a car and failing to comply with a community order.
A thug with a previous conviction for trying to steal a vehicle has been jailed after he smashed a car window with a stone.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Thursday, June 15, how Thomas Elliot Hill, 22, of Hillcrest Close, Bolsover, threw the stone at Ryan Kidger’s car as the complainant was getting his shopping out of the vehicle.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “He was taking his shopping out and saw Hill - who he knows - behind a wall. They used to be mates but there have been recent problems between them. The complainant looked and saw the defendant after he had thrown a stone at the car and he put a hole in the window.”

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Hill told police he had smashed the window on May 7 because there had been problems between himself and the complainant but he would not go into details.

The defendant, who has previous convictions, pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage and he admitted failing to comply with the requirements of a community order imposed for interfering with a vehicle.

Mrs Allsop added that Hill had previously forced a door lock on a car with a lump of concrete in an attempt to steal a vehicle and had been given the community order.

Defence solicitor Denny Lau revealed that Hill had struggled to make probation appointments after he had been attacked twice by an unknown assailant and been left with bleeding on his brain.

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Hill even had to be placed into a coma during treatment, according to Mr Lau, and he may have to have an eye removed as part of ongoing care.

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Mr Lau said: “He got a phone call after his release and they said they had checked and he needed to come back and he has still got bleeding on the brain and they are giving him a scan and they may have to take his eye out.”

The court also heard how Hill has had a difficult upbringing, according to Mr Lau, but he is now a changed man who recognises that there are consequences for doing bad things.

Magistrates jailed Hill for eight weeks and ordered him to pay £198 in compensation.

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