Be part of Ensemble Company at Derby Theatre

Derby Theatre is on the lookout for people aged 18-plus, to be part of its new Ensemble Company.

The Ensemble Company is part of the creative development and training programme at Derby Theatre and will provide an exciting opportunity to work with professional directors to explore the ingredients that create exceptional theatre.

The Ensemble Company will also explore working with text, physical expression, devising, movement and vocal techniques. The focus of the sessions is to provide theatre-makers, and those interested in performance with the opportunity to receive an insight into the vocational training undergone by actors at drama schools.

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The specific purpose of the company is to complement existing practical tools as well as develop an ensemble-based practice that prepares company members in more professional contexts and to create their own projects.

Caroline Barth, head of learning at Derby Theatre, said: “You could be a performer, director, deviser, or maybe you’re not quite sure, but you know you want to work in theatre.

“We’re not just looking for ability, but for people interested in working as an ensemble to bring ideas to life through play and experimentation.

“This could be a fantastic stepping stone for those who want to go into the profession.”

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If you are interested in becoming a member of the Ensemble Company, auditions will be held on Thursday, September 15, between 6pm and 8pm (with recalls on Friday, September 16). For more information and to book an audition slot, please email [email protected].

Once the company has been assembled, the group will meet each week on a Wednesday evening during term time from 6.30pm until 8.30pm and will cost £75 per term. Bursaries are available.