Thug who pushed ex and punched her new partner gets community order

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A violent ex who pushed his former partner during a row and admitted attacking her new boyfriend has been given an 18 month community order.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on October 5 how Steven Peter Collins, 31, of Chasecliff Close, Loundsley Green, Chesterfield, grabbed his ex’s phone before pushing her twice.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam told the court hearing that Collins had been looking after the complainant’s child and he grabbed her phone saying he was going to smash it.

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Mrs Haslam told the court Collins had wanted to delete messages he had sent with alleged threats aimed at his ex’s new partner and he pushed her before going into the garden and deleting texts.

The defendant subsequently pushed the complainant in her chest, according to Mrs Haslam, and as she called police he grabbed a knife and went to cut his wrist as if he was going to kill himself.

The court heard how two months earlier Collins had also punched his ex’s new partner.

Collins told police he had been upset when he assaulted his ex because he had learned she was taking her new partner to a family wedding and Collins also accepted having assaulted his ex at a later date.

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The defendant pleaded guilty to assaulting his ex on July 15 and admitted assaulting her partner on May 12.

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Defence solicitor Steve Brint said: “They have split up and are moving forward but these events occurred when his emotions were extremely high.”

Mr Brint added that Collins had been in a serious accident in 2013 when he was run over by a bin lorry which left him suffering with deep moods and this affected his relationship.

Magistrates sentenced Collins to an 18 month community order with a Building Better Relationships programme and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for five days.

He was also fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 costs, an £85 victim surcharge and £50 compensation.

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