UFO and alien sightings revealed by Derbyshire police

The truth is out there...The truth is out there...
The truth is out there...
Sightings of aliens and UFOs have been reported to Derbyshire police three times in five years, figures show.

We used the Freedom of Information Act to ask Derbyshire Constabulary how many 999 and 101 calls it received about UFO and alien sightings during 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Two of them took place in 2013 - one in Chesterfield, another in Derby - while the third was in Dronfield in 2016.

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Derbyshire has a long history of mysterious goings-on in the sky.

A Government file revealed details of a member of the public reporting a large orange light close to the Ladybower Dam in the Peak District in 1994.

A Derbyshire Constabulary record reads: "The person reported seeing a large orange light moving horizontally and dropping slowly until it went below a line of hills.

"A cloud of smoke was seen to billow out from the light and it then disappeared behind Kinder Scout.

"The light did not reappear."

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Police contacted Manchester Airport but staff could not confirm any aircraft operating in the area - and the strange light remains unexplained.

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There have been numerous weird sightings in the village of Bonsall.

The most famous was in 2000 when Sharon Rowlands used her camcorder to film a huge craft above her house one October night.

Her video was classed by some UFO experts as 'one of the most important pieces of footage ever taken' and Sharon reportedly sold it to an American producer for £20,000.

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As far as we are aware, no documentary or film has been aired as of yet.

She told reporters: "It resembled a giant disc with a bite taken out of the bottom.

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"As it hovered over the woods, it seemed to expand and then get smaller again.

"We could see it pulsing as if it started up and then it just went it came really close at one stage and I thought it was going to land in the field.

"You can hear me on the video say 'wow'!"

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On the night of September 28, 2016, a number of people witnessed two flashing white lights in the Derbyshire sky.

Fiona Jordan, of Houfton Road, Bolsover, said: "They were like little cloudy lights in the sky - they were dancing about.

"There were about four in total - there was one above my neighbour's house and two or three over another neighbour's house.

"We stood outside for about 20 minutes watching them.

"My son who lives in Carr Vale also saw them about two or three nights ago."

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